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About the Flip-Flag - how it came about


I'd been cycling for over 30 years and had had my fair share of close calls and even been driven into and driven off the road a few times. And this despite road use care, front and rear flashing lights and reflective tape on my helmet, shoes and bike.

The fundamental problem seemed to not be that motorists could not see me, but rather that certain motorists were happy to compromise my safety for their time-saving convenience when the gap for passing me was slightly too small.

This realisation initiated a process to develop a device that influences the way motorists overtake cyclists on the roads – The Bicycle Safety Flip-Flag.

Learn how the Flip-Flag functions by clicking on the Features and Flag Design tabs.

The philosophy of this device is not to annoy motorists. It is to politely insist on an appropriate safety margin. And it works. It works very well. It is easy and intuitive to use. Cyclists feel safer and are safer when they use the Flip-Flag. The safety improvement quantification is given in the Technical tab.

After almost a year of prototype iteration and testing, the Flip-Flag was made available for sale both online and at selected stores. However, sales were slow and the commercial venture was shelved.

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