Frequently asked questions about the Flip-Flag
Question 1. Doesn't the flag add extra drag and slow you down?
Answer: Yes. However, the flag's unique aerodynamic design means that its coefficient of drag is quite favourable and I have not noticed the nominally increased drag.
Question 2. Don't motorists become annoyed by a flag protruding into their path?
Answer: Oddly no. Motorists seem to understand the cyclist's need for a safety margin despite their tendency to compromise it. I have never experienced motorist antagonism toward the Flip-Flag.
Question 3: Local road traffic legislation requires a minimum cyclist passing margin of 1 meter. Shouldn't the Flip-Flag post be longer?
Answer: South African national legislation also disallows cycling with any object protruding “… more than 450 millimeters on either side of the wheels of such cycle, …”. Given that a typical rear bicycle wheel axle may be up to 200 mm long, a sideways pointed flag’s length would be limited to a centerline-to-tip distance of 550 mm.
Question 4: Can't you put something hard and sharp on the end of the Flip-Flag pole?
Answer: The Flip-Flag is intended to enhance safety and not to exact revenge. Users are kindly asked not to entertain such modifications of the product.
Question 5: Can't you put a light on the end of the flag pole?
Answer: A flashing light on the end of the flag pole would be a valuable improvement to the product. However, the additional cost for this enhancement would likely double the cost of the product, making it nonviable at present.
Question 6: Is the Flip-Flag available for delivery outside South Africa?
Answer: Unfortunately the overseas delivery costs on single units make this product prohibitively expensive. Bulk orders over 100 units could be arranged.